Founder Spotlight: Rifanditto "Ditto" Adhikara – Personalizing Healthcare with

Founder Spotlight Entrepreneurship 3 minutes

Founder Spotlight: Rifanditto "Ditto" Adhikara – Personalizing Healthcare with is transforming the management of chronic health conditions through its proactive and personalized healthcare approach. Led by its founder, Rifanditto "Ditto" Adhikara, Sirka began as a nutrition consultation app, inspired by Ditto’s personal experience with pre-diabetes. The company has since evolved into a comprehensive healthcare platform offering a suite of services, from lifestyle and dietary interventions to medication management and continuous health support. Sirka empowers individuals to lead healthier lives by addressing chronic conditions with tailored solutions. Below is an in-depth conversation with Ditto, where he shares the inspiration behind, the evolution of his vision, and his personal experiences in leading a health tech startup.

What inspired you to start your company, and has that initial vision evolved over time?

The inspiration for founding Sirka was deeply personal. I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, which prompted a profound realization about the importance of proactive health management. Initially, Sirka began as a nutritionist consultation app, aimed at helping individuals make informed dietary choices to improve their health and wellness.
However, shortly after launching, we observed a significant trend: over 80% of our clients were referred by their doctors, who recommended lifestyle changes to manage or mitigate chronic or pre-chronic health conditions. This overwhelming response highlighted a broader need for integrated health services that went beyond nutritional advice. Recognizing this, we decided to evolve Sirka from a simple consultation app into a full-scale healthcare provider. This shift allowed us to offer a more comprehensive suite of services aimed at addressing the various facets of chronic health management, including lifestyle interventions, medication management, and ongoing support. Our journey from a nutrition-focused platform to a holistic healthcare provider underscores our adaptive approach to meeting the real needs of our users and the market.

Explain what your company does so a 6-year-old would understand it.

Imagine your body is like a garden that needs good food, water, and care to stay healthy and happy. Sometimes, gardens can start to feel a little sick if they get too much or too little of something, like too much junk food or not enough playtime.
Sirka is like a team of garden helpers who teach people how to take care of their gardens really well. We help them figure out what foods are best, when to have fun moving around, and how to keep feeling great with some special doctor check-ups and cool tools that remind them when to water their gardens or when it’s time to rest.
Sirka helps everyone take the best care of their garden, so it can grow big, strong, and colorful!

Who is your favorite entrepreneur, and why do you find them inspiring?

My favorite entrepreneurs, without a doubt, are Steve Jobs and Howard Schultz. Both have profoundly inspired me through their exceptional abilities to create brands that not only achieved immense commercial success but also fundamentally redefined aspects of modern life.

When you are at your absolute bottom and are going through professional challenges, how do you lift yourself up?

I find strength by combining stoicism and optimism. Stoicism teaches me to accept what I cannot control and focus my energy on actionable areas, helping me detach from overwhelming emotions and think objectively. At the same time, optimism encourages me to maintain a positive outlook on the future, seeking the silver lining in every situation and believing in my capacity to improve circumstances.
Daily practices such as reflection, positive self-talk, and mindfulness, supported by discussions with trusted mentors, definitely help me further.

Why do you believe you are personally best positioned to build your business?

My position as the founder of this business is deeply rooted in a blend of personal experience, professional skills, and a passion for nutrition and wellness.
As someone who has personally navigated the complexities of pre-diabetes, I bring a first-hand understanding of the healthcare challenges faced by our customers.
This personal experience is complemented by my professional background in both dynamic startups like Grab and established global healthcare companies such as Weight Watchers. This unique combination has equipped me with a broad understanding of different business models and the agility needed to adapt and thrive in various corporate environments.
Moreover, my passion for nutrition and wellness directly aligns with the vision of our business, and this intrinsic motivation drives me to persevere through setbacks.

Over the last 12 months, what is your most profound realization/insight regarding the startup ecosystem?

In times when capital is scarce and the financial returns are uncertain, it’s become clear that the individuals who continue to drive and innovate within the startup space are those who possess a strong, intrinsic drive to create something truly superior for the world.
This level of commitment is crucial not just for overcoming the inherent challenges of startup life but also for truly innovating and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, even under less-than-ideal circumstances.|
This insight has reinforced my belief that a genuine passion for making a meaningful impact is what differentiates enduring endeavors from transient efforts in the startup landscape.

What is your favorite sandwich?

Is Smashburger a sandwich? haha

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs or those looking to start their own companies?

Don't do this if you don't like suffering.

As continues to evolve, it exemplifies how personal challenges can inspire innovative solutions. Ditto's journey from pre-diabetes to founding a healthcare platform highlights the importance of adaptability, passion, and resilience in addressing real-world problems. His vision for holistic, personalized health management is not just reshaping chronic care but also empowering individuals to take control of their well-being. As grows, it remains a beacon of hope for those navigating chronic health issues, demonstrating the profound impact a mission-driven startup can have on both individual lives and the broader healthcare industry.’s success so far has been driven by its innovative approach to healthcare and its ability to raise funds independently. However, as the company continues to grow, WOWS Global stands ready to support Sirka, and startups like it, by providing strategic fundraising solutions. With extensive experience in guiding companies through their next phases of growth, WOWS offers expert insights and connections to help businesses scale and attract the right investors. If your company is looking to accelerate its fundraising journey, talk to us at to learn how we can support you.

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