
WOWS Global Private Limited (“WOWS”) is not an investment adviser, financial adviser, securities broker or securities exchange. Also, WOWS is NOT secondary trading of securities platforms or a platform recognized as “Capital Market Services” under the Money Authority of Singapore (MAS). WOWS does not provide any investment advice and does not allow any secondary market trading of securities on the platform.

None of the data and information constitutes investment advice (whether general or customized), an offering, recommendation, or solicitation by WOWS to buy, sell or hold any security or financial product, and WOWS makes no representation (and has no opinion) regarding the advisability or suitability of any investment.

The financial products or operations referred to in such data and information may not be suitable for your investment profile and investment objectives or expectations. It is your responsibility to consider whether any financial product or operation is ideal for you based on your interests, investment objectives, investment horizon, and risk appetite. WOWS shall not be liable for any damages arising from operations or investments in financial products.

WOWS does not recommend using the data and information provided as the only basis for making any investment decision.

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